> Delivery Confirm |
After order, you can check your address status.
If you are nonmember, will be find “Go Delivery Confirm” and if a member you can find “Go my account” is on menu for your order details.
> Have a question? |
If you have questions you can click “Go contact us”.
> Payment |
You will be changed to Paygate Co.
Available payment cards is VISA, MASTER, AMEX, JCB. All orders will be process after payment has been completed.
> Member register |
Membership is free, Our members will get discount or earned points. This benefit will provided to you that can be use with the following order.
Points earned can be used with the following order.
> Are you Florists? |
If you’re running a florist shop located oversea! Please allowing us to price discount for just sign in. We been provided flower delivery service for 20years.
You can join our oversea partner’s member and your special order is start deliver with best service we will provide